Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dernier Soir

Last night Ceci's party was a tremendous success.

Beautiful apartment with a beautiful view and beautiful C, all the guests were C types, the cook the thief the wife and his lover... Chef J who she's been telling me about forever I finally met, he made the dinner and it was all kinds of incredible, I mean he went all out with like 8 huge pots of stewed amazing, there were gnarly margaritas I pretended to drink, Chef's boyfriend Alonzo, another girl who I vaguely remembered from the ballet company with C, and this girl who came in and spoke French and knew all these people I used to work with when I was in the old band cuz we had this minor hit there.... She told me she just bought a stage piano keyboard (kurzweiler=drool city) and she cant play, but its always been a dream of hers too, so I said I'd give her lessons and told her about my show...

We were sitting outside on C's amazing patio with the view drinking the wine she brought (thank god cuz I couldnt, with those margaritas, man) when I noticed this just STUNNING, I mean fucking dropdead 11 out of 10 girl looking at me inside so we went over and she and her friend were French too... so the French contingent hung there at the table in the corner and I was talking to the girl and she looked so familiar and finally I realized she's R.O. this actress that I f'in SWEAT, whose first big movie I saw with JayGray years ago when we were dating, and was like holy demon balls that girl is fucking SOMETHING... and we hit it off like BAM and she's kind of standoffish seeming and kind of a ballbuster but I like my balls busted, she kept correcting my French, like every grammatical error, it was so cute, I was like R youre gonna wear yourself out, she's like no you're like 90% i'm just making it 100, if you were any lower I wouldnt bother, so we were really getting along and she was just trained on me all night, and me on her, obviously (but not a Sappho) situation, so we all exchanged info and Naima the one with the Kurz invited me over to see her place and hang and mess around on the Kurz and she's gonna let me use it on Friday night AND theyre all coming

So I'm stoked right now.

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