Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Gogol Bordello is just OFF the fucking chain. OFF tf CHAIN.

So amazing, I'm gonna make this next post a veritable Amazing linking sales crap... Was there a special feature little add-on, mooooore, obnoxious, time-consuming, supposedly "convenient," and really just a convenient way to rid yourself of a hard day's night's earnings... I mean I get the whole Instant thing, watch/download, that's pretty amazing to me... but to order something browsing around online is a just a goddamn waste of time; you have to wait even longer than if you went to the store, or, gottverbot, the LIBRARY... Urgh. It's just too much. Too much SHIT.

seems to be a real reader favorite though, a wee blurb about some shit you should buy, and a damn sure route to being published. Quelle surprise. Hey kids, ya wanna grow up to be a writer?? Wait...reallY Well gee, I wasn't prepared for any Yesses today! But I'll tell ya what, learn to make an html, no, fuck that, even simpler, just click your stubby thumbs on the bottom neon blue and roar-range colored that says 'Facebook' (and don't forget to click 'Okay' thrice more throughout the process, without ever knowing what exactly it is-- those bare-ass executable, so ugly, completely gray with that minuscule Helvetica-clone font, who's a-read shit? Take another Trojan up the butt when you get out there to pay off all that monster debt.

I'm irritable which is always a bad time to write cuz I'm just like, ugh, ugh, ugh, to quote the ever quotable WChurchill, "history is just one damn thing after another," one irritating thing after another...

but just to instill some kind of good discipline. and documentation. when I'm in a slightly better headspace, after some sleep, hopefully tomorrow, i will discuss the Gogol Bordello show monday night, MY show at kgb tuesday night, cam's really ultimately being a no-can-do situation, slammed it with for julian again, really bad... really bizarre dreams i've been having

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