Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Cooldown


I am, physically and emotionally drained from this past week. And from this whole experience. And I still a bit gleeful.

I'm looking forward to this couple months of complete chillout (well maybe it seems a little long to go without seeing or hearing from Julian, but I can deal, and I know he can.) of not worrying what the next session will disclose, what I'll gain, what I'll lose, when I'll know.

I do know. Even if all y'all don't. And I understand why you don't, and I understand that you have my best interest in mind too and have had all along and I appreciate it.

And I'm looking forward to the things I'll do in this time, creatively, socially, with school, etc.

And I'm looking forward to the day I can write that I just got back from seeing Dr. Julian Darcy, Phd, at like, a coffee shop.

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